Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Love Hypomania

Taking care of myself is so hard to do sometimes.  I want to take care of everyone else first and when I do something for myself (even out of necessity) I feel guilty.  I have learned that it is what it is....a necessity.  It's alright to pamper myself or do what I need to do to take care of myself.  I can't be "me" if I am run down, stressed, tired, and can't think clearly.

I love to laugh and laughter is what keeps me going.  My kids are at that age where they are so quick witted that it catches me off guard sometimes!  I love it, though, and wouldn't have it any other way.  If I've taught them anything at all, it is the ability to laugh at themselves and at life.  They know when I need a burst of laughter at just the right moment!  We played a 3 hour game of Monopoly on our recent trip and I can't remember when I laughed so much!

Our family just got back from a nice family trip to Central Oregon and it was great to relax.  However, traveling sets off my mania a bit and luckily, it was mostly just Hypomania this time.  Hypomania is when you get all those feel good feelings and for a person who has Bipolar Disorder, it pretty much just makes you appear "normal"!  Actually, I don't know if that is true.  ha.  What is "normal" anyway, right?  For me, I find humor in everything and my hypomania makes me sillier, in a good mood and I'm not run down or tired.  I like feeling this way.  I love hypomania!  However, hypomania usually takes me over the edge to "mania".  Mania is like driving a car a hundred miles an hour on the freeway....then 110 mph...then 120...I try to slam on the brakes but they've gone out and I have people yelling at me, police chasing me, I'm panicked and don't know what to do and know that I'm going to crash and possibly die.  It's horrible.  That's the difference.  Hypomania is good.  Mania is bad. Ugh.  The other side of mania is depression (the "Crash").  Depression is like going 5 mph on the freeway and you can't go any faster no matter how hard you try.  The accelerator isn't working at all and people are honking at you, screaming at you, making terrible gestures towards you and you already feel bad enough.

Today and this week are good days.  I rely heavily on my faith in God and use every tool I have been blessed with to keep myself functioning to my very best.

If you are feeling run down, depressed, tired, irritable, or even hyper, in a good mood, or possibly manic, know that you will make it through to the next day. Keep your mind, ears, eyes and soul filled with positive words and images.  You are not alone...ever.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Communication and Healthy Environments

Everyone needs a great support system and healthy environment in life.  No matter what challenges you are facing today, it is so important to keep a good perspective and surround yourself with healthy individuals.There are also practical things that you can do to help those who are stressed out or anxious about something and need some compassion and understanding.

Recently, I have been dealing with a lot of stress that has triggered my anxiety and depression.  The key to getting better and feeling better for myself is communication.  I used to expect my husband and close family and friends to just know why I am depressed or manic or having an anxiety attack.  I thought they could basically read my mind! ha.  The biggest, healthy coping skill that I've had to learn to use is to actually ASK for help and COMMUNICATE it verbally to others. 

Men are obviously different than us women.  I have finally figured it out that my husband, Jonathan, actually wants me to spell things out for him in simple terms.  Before, I used to think that was a bit insulting to him, but he wants to know exactly what, why, when and where did my stess begin. 

I was feeling really irritated yesterday and I knew that my irritable state of mind was from trying to fight off the depression that I was feeling, from my Bipolar Disorder.  Somehow, I used to think it should be obvious for Jonathan to just know that I'm depressed because I live with Bipolar Disorder.  Duh! Right? Not so.  So, yesterday, when I was very irritable and short with him and the kids, he asked that one question that all men like to ask women...."What is wrong with you???"! ha.  Really?  Having learned from being the only female in our household, I have finally caught on (at least a little bit) to how guys think. What is obvious to me is not always obvious to my husband.  So, instead of being more annoyed by the question and the fact that Jonathan has already forgotten that I live with Bipolar Disorder, I explained in short sentences what was irritating me like this..." Joanthan, I know I am irritable and stressed out.  It is because I am fighting off depression and I realize it's a symptom from my depression.  I feel like I'm sinking and I'm angry about it because I can't control it. I am sorry it is effecting eveyone."  Jonathan's response, "Why are you depressed?"  Again....the desire to snap, "Because I live with Bipolar Disorder dummy!" is short lived in my mind and I've matured as a woman (sarcasm there-ha.), I decided to reply nicely and say, "My depression is frustrating to me because I have no idea why I am feeling depressed.  That's why I am so angry and frustrated and irritable."  Immediately, Jonathan got it and was very compassionate and did everything he could do to help fix the problem.  Jonathan helped me with dinner, with our boys and their homework, picking up around the house and stayed in a calm state of mind.  He was my anchor.  That meant the world to me and helped me decompress.

Today is a new day and I've re-charged my batteries and feel really good.  Jonathan had a key role in me being able to do that.

It is so important to communicate verbally how you feel exactly, no matter how trivial or simple it sounds, to a trusted friend or family member.  Even if you have no words to articulate it, think of how it makes you feel physically, maybe.  Like you are "sinking" or in wet cement that has dried and "you can't move".  Just trying to articulate your emotions and thoughts is better than saying nothing at all. 

If you have a loved one who is stressed out from a hard day at work someone in your life who lives with anxiety, depression, or any other kind of challenge, be patient. Don't even try to talk them out of their feelings because it isn't something you can snap out of.  Believe me, I've tried!  If they need to sleep, let them sleep and don't judge.  That is a survival skill for depression and an actual healthy coping skill for those who live with Bipolar Disorder.  Sleep is essential.

 Also, try to get that loved one to be in a calm state of mind and to verbally communicate with you by asking simple questions like, "When did you start feeling anxious or depressed?"  "Who did you see or talk to today?"  "Did you watch something on the news or TV that might have triggered something?"  Those are important questions in keeping a safe and healthy environment.  If they are not up to talking, then that is alright, too.  Give them time.

Other things you can do right away to help eleviate stress is to cook dinner for them or take food to them, watch their children for a couple of hours, turn on soothing music, fold their laundry, watch a sitcom or funny movie with them, or if they are up to it, go for a walk (not a fast paced walk, but slow, relaxing walk).  If they need to sleep, sometimes that's all it takes if they are sleep deprived. Or, just sit at the table with them, make them tea and watch the birds eat out of your bird feeder like I do!  That always brings my blood pressure down and puts a smile on my face.

These are just a few practical things that you can do to help your family and friends overcome everyday life stressors.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Say No to the Good and Yes to the Best!

These last 2 weeks have been the hardest two weeks that I've had in a while.  I haven't had a chance to get caught up on sleep, people and situations are triggering my Bipolar Disorder symptoms and anxiety and I am trying to keep my head above water.

It's difficult living with a Mood Disorder and Brain Disorder.  I may look fine on the outside and have developed skills to cope with everyday issues so that people won't think I'm a freak at times-ha.  But sometimes the littlest things seem like marathons that I'm required to making dinner, calling a friend or relative who calls me over 15 times a day begging for my time...getting out of bed.

I did a training for some patients at Oregon state Hospital through "National Alliance on Mental Illness" a couple weeks ago.  It went great, but took a lot out of me emotionally.  After the workshop, the very next day, our oldest son was very sick and ended up missing 2 1/2 days of school.  He had a sinus infection which he passed along to my husband and then our youngest son in 4th grade who has had it the most severe. Ugh.  Getting up in the middle of the night with sick kids and having sleep deprivation from not allowing myself adequate sleep after doing a 2 day workshop has triggered my mania.

One of my brothers is also going through a very difficult time and I love him to death, but it has drained me mentally and emotionally and again triggered my symptoms.  I don't think people realize that I am not cured of Bipolar Disorder.  I am not well, either!  I understand that they need someone to vent to, but I've had to put boundaries up to keep myself healthy as well.

Coming from a long line of mental illness, my grandma is severely ill with Bipolar Disorder/Schitzoaffective Disorder (Bipolar Disorder with the main symptom being psychosis).  She has been so upset with me over not returning her calls this week that she has threatened me. Ugh.  Manipulation is her tool that she's used all her life.  Not a good survival skill.

So....why can't I just get a cast to put on my head so people KNOW that I am not well and I am sick, too, and struggle like them?  If someone sees a person with a cast on their leg, they don't ask them to run a mile around the track or even walk their dog for them! ha.  Should I just wear a sign that says "I look fine but am broken on the inside"?  Actually, most of us I think would wear that sign! 

I have to learn to keep my healthy boundaries and let the guilt of not answering phone calls or the door just run off of me.  In my past, I would become so hurt and then angry, but I have realized that I know my limits and it's up to me to let others know my limits or I'm not good to anyone.

If you're overwhelmed, stressed out, or just needing some sleep, learn to allow yourself to not answer the phone, return the texts, or answer your door.  Say "No" to things that are good and say "Yes" to things that are the best for you.  Live in the moment and treat yourself with compassion and love because you are a masterpiece!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Organic Food and Bipolar Disorder

When it comes to Bipolar Disorder and eating organic food, I would have to say “no” for Bipolar I Disorder and “maybe” for Bipolar II Disorder and Cyclothymia, which are more mild forms of Bipolar Disorder.  

Many individuals do not realize that there are different types of Bipolar Disorder.  Organic foods can be very helpful in treating more mild forms of Bipolar Disorder, but when it comes to Bipolar I Disorder, the best form of treatment is medication and talk therapy. Without medication and talk therapy, statistics prove that up to 20% of people with Bipolar I Disorder commit suicide. 

What is Bipolar Disorder and the different types of Bipolar?  Bipolar Disorder is also known as Manic Depression.  It is a physical brain disorder that comes out in emotional ways.  Bipolar Disorder involves severe “highs” (mania) and severe “lows” (depression) with some “normal” moods between the two.  Anything that causes an emotional response can lead to a Bipolar Disorder mood swing. 

Bipolar Disorder is not a character flaw or a reflection on one’s integrity.  It is a disease just like heart disease or diabetes.

Bipolar Disorder affects individuals differently. There are different types of Bipolar Disorder such as Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymia.

Bipolar I Disorder is the most severe form of Bipolar Disorder with overly “highs”, known as mania, and severe “lows”, known as depression. Bipolar I Disorder also includes episodes of psychosis (the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy or belief).  Medications are needed for relief of psychosis. 

I was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder when I was 29 years old and medications have literally saved my life. Exercise and good nutrition are apart of my life, but alone, it is not a treatment for my Bipolar I Disorder.  It was apart of my life before I was diagnosed and my life was in total chaos then.

Bipolar II Disorder is usually misdiagnosed due to its subtleties.  This is a more mild form of Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar II Disorder involves episodes of “hypomania”, instead of full-blown mania, and has even longer periods of severe depression.  Also, psychosis is usually not present with Bipolar II Disorder.

I do have friends that use diet and exercise to maintain their stability with Bipolar II Disorder, but most individuals need medication to deal with the severity of the depression that can be life threatening.

Cyclothymia is the mildest form of Bipolar Disorder.  Many people with this disorder never seek treatment.  These individuals are able to function well in life and experience mild to moderate episodes of depression alternating with mild episodes of hypomania.

Individuals with Cyclothymia can become very ill, however, to the point of impairment in response to certain substances or medications such as marijuana, alcohol, anti-depressants, steroids, and in some cases, high doses of decongestants.  These substances and medications may trigger episodes of depression or even a full-blown mania.

Bipolar Disorder can be a life-threatening illness no matter what type it manifests itself. Like any other life threatening disease, Bipolar Disorder has the potential to take lives. 

If someone is suicidal or severely depressed, please seek help right away from a professional and please encourage that loved one to go on medication.  Medication saves lives no matter what you believe about it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Anxiety & Mania

"Dad! Mom is acting weird again and she's bothering me!" is a common phrase our oldest son, who is 13, usually hollers to my husband. He quickly tries to intervene before I become full blown manic in front of the kids.

I know what it's like to be severely depressed.  I know what it's like to be extremely manic, full of anxiety and paranoia.

Full blown mania starts from some simple, euphoric, happy mood feelings that are called, "hypomania". That is the beginning stage of mania for me.  Hypomania makes me feel full of energy and like I can do ANYTHING. My thoughts and movement are quick as I attack our house and move furniture around and clean like never before. I'm creative, inspired, quick witted, I write and compose music at lightening speed, I love everyone around me, I'm the life of the party and life is more than great! My kids love my wacky, entertaining, spontaneous ways until I get too crazy. 

Going from zero to 60 in nothing flat over absolutely nothing is normal for someone living with Bipolar Disorder. Rage comes on like a caged tiger ready to attack once released. I don't have time to process it or figure out why it came on.  I despise this part of my chemical imbalance. 

A series of adrenal, mania highs from shopping sprees to spontaneous trips to other countries fill a void of craziness. 

Anxiety is tremendously high which triggers an explosion of paranoia and irritability as well as staggered breathing, sweating palms, tremors, chest pains and stomach pains. 

Grandiose thoughts sneak in during full blown mania. I think that I can do ANYTHING!  It's embarrassing to remember those moments or be reminded by a close family member.  Thoughts of KNOWING I have the next great invention or #1 song to hit the charts consume my thinking.

Mania gets worse and it takes a destructive turn into full blown mania. My mind is racing so fast that I get scared because I can't focus on the littles things like driving, cooking dinner, or even just get ready for the day.  I can hardly breathe because it's like I'm running a marathon with my slurred and rapid speech. 

Risky behavior takes over sometimes from driving 110 miles per hour to other bad decisions.

I was teaching a NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) class on mental illness and sharing my story for the Salem Police Officer's "Crisis Intervention Training" a few months ago and one of the police officers asked me, "How, as police officers, can we tell if someone is intoxicated or just manic?"  What a great question!  All in all, I told them that it was a hard call but sometimes you may have to have that individual simply take a drug test or alcohol test to find out.  The symptoms are so similiar.  Unlike drugs or alcohol, Bipolar Disorder is something that is uncontrollable and not a character flaw, but an actual physical illness that is a chemical imbalance.  An illness like heart disease or diabetes.

Mania sounds fun at first during the hypomania phase, but then it turns into a torterous stage with Bipolar I Disorder.  Thoughts of suicide creep in....not because you want to die, but because you can't handle the pain anymore.  Self-destruction seems inevitable and you want it to end, so rational thinking goes out the window and you are overcome with paranoia which can lead to psychosis (seeing or hearing things that are not real).

My paranoia can be about what people are saying.  I see everything, every move a person makes through body ltheir body anguage...all within seconds of when they start talking to me.  The littlest thing from the tone of voice one uses, to the way they tilt their head when they talk to me.  You could give me a compliment and all I would hear is a negative remark.  Paranoia equals distorted thinking.

It's hard to articulate any of this when you are in the midst of it all and that's why it's so important to take my medication and check in with my psychiatrist who has been terrific and perfect for me for the past 12 years.

My medication has changed quite a bit because I am super sensitive to many of them, but for the past 10 years, Lithium, Depakote ER and Zoloft have kept me stable. When psychosis hits in times of trauma triggers, I then take Haldol which works the best for me.  And for my anxiety, Alprazolam (Xanax) is what works the best fo me.

My depression and mania used to be a huge part of my life, but I have been pretty stable for the last 14 years.  There is no cure for Bipolar Disorder, so it DOES hit me once in a while and medication can't contain it, but I always know that it's my illness and that "this too shall pass".

I am more afraid of NOT taking my meds than of taking medication.  I like who I am when I am on them....I am "me" and whatever it takes to be "me", that's what I'm going to do.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Coping Skills & Humor: "My Little Garden Monkey"

Coping skills are just as important as medications & doctors when it comes to dealing with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, bipolar disorders or any kind of challenge.
The one thing my life has not been is boring.  Through some of my darkest times, my mom taught me one of the most important coping skills of all and that is to remember to fill my mind with good thoughts & memories and always try to find something to laugh at even if it's myself!
So, this is one of my favorite, funny memories growing up that I wanted to share about my pet monkey, Jaimie.

"My Little Garden Monkey"
When I was in 2nd grade, I vividly remember going outside in our backyard to help my dad in our vegetable garden. My family lived on a small farm out in the country, in the beautiful state of Washington.  I loved helping my parents in the vegetable garden and playing hide and go seek with them in the many rows of corn that towered over me. 
One particular day, it was just me and dad in the garden picking green beans when all of a sudden we heard a faint screaming noise and then several swooshing noises coming from our apple trees on the other side of the garden.  My dad and I looked up into the apple trees, shading our eyes from the sun, and dad said, “Honey, there’s a monkey swinging in our apple trees!  I’m going to try to catch it!  Go inside and get your mom while I get a ladder.”  I ran as fast as I could into our yellow farmhouse and got mom, barely being able to speak from all my huffing and puffing from my fast sprint into the house.  As mom was drying her hands on the kitchen towel, I dragged her outside, by the arm, to show her what dad and I had found! We couldn’t believe our eyes!  Dad had actually caught the little spider monkey and was bringing him down the ladder with him!  Hastily getting an old rabbit cage, my parents put the monkey in it and I immediately called my monkey, “Jamie”.  Yep, I claimed ownership to the monkey.  Mom told me not to get attached to the monkey because he most likely belonged to someone else. Barely hearing her words, I gave Jamie a banana, he peeled it and handed the peeling back to me and proceeded to eat the banana. Hmmm…I was already having great plans for this pet monkey of mine.   I was in awe of my garden monkey, Jamie, and couldn’t wait to dress him up, like any other 2nd grade girl would do of course! 
After the initial shock of catching a monkey in our back yard, dad immediately called the fire department and told them about the situation.  Ironically enough, the fire department accused my father, who was a pastor of a little community church in town, of being intoxicated and hung up on him!  Having a good sense of humor, mom and dad laughed it off.  Brushing that abrupt phone call off, my parents decided to post an ad in the local newspaper regarding a lost little spider monkey.  No one responded within the first few days or weeks and eventually months.  I grew very attached to Jamie and loved him very much.  Almost one year went by until one day someone called about Jamie.  It was the dreaded phone call.  The owners of this precious monkey called to claim him and pick him up.  I cried and sobbed as they took my little garden monkey, Jamie, away.  I will never forget my little garden monkey, Jamie, and that special day in the garden along with many other memories.
I no longer cry tears for Jamie but now smile with giggles as I tell this story to my friends and our kids.  Distracting my thoughts from negative ones or just starting my day out with a positive thought or memory can set the tone for the rest of my day and help me cope with any kind of struggles or challenges that may come up.  So, here's to all the little garden monkeys out there who can brighten up our day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Anxiety & Triggers

If you suffer from Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder or any other kind of mental illness, don't feel guilty.  It's genetic and that's it.  Pure and simple.  It's hereditary. 

There are things that can trigger the onset of anxiety, depression, and mental illness in general.  Things such as your environment, thought patterns and life style to name a few.  If you suffer from one of these hurdles in life, most likely someone else in your family has also struggled, too.  It's hereditary and that gene could have been passed down to you from a parent, grand-parent or even great-grandparent. 
Since everyone is unique and deals with life differently, your journey will be different and yours alone.  It's not a death sentence, but more about self-discovery and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 
On my own road to recovery, I've learned some valuable Coping Skills along the way.  In sharing them, I hope that they can benefit you as well.
Healthy boundaries is one of my Coping Skills.  After years of practice, I have finally been able to make healthy boundaries for myself without feeling guilty.  Boundaries from talking, seeing, texting, facebooking (is that a word?) or visiting certain people that need something from me or are just plain too toxic for me at the time.  Some of them mean no harm, others may unintentionally do harm without realizing it. It can be a friend, stranger, organization, job or family. If I'm not in a healthy place, I've realized I will be of no good to them either.  A single text can spiral me into a severe panic attack or anxiety attack.
I have also realized that tracking my daily activities on a chart every day helps me pinpoint my triggers.  Triggers that can cause anxiety and worry, depression or mania from my Bipolar Disorder or even trigger my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
My triggers can be anything from over stimulation from being around too many people for long periods of time or the opposite - not enough time around other people.  Most of all, it's the little things that can trigger me.  So, I keep track of who I've texted and received texts from, who I talk to on the phone or see in person, what I ate, how much i slept and if it was broken up sleep, what TV shows I watched or movies I watched, etc.  It sounds trivial, but it really does help.  When I'm suffering from severe anxiety, sounds and light bother me the most.  The hum of a light fixture, the light from the computer.  Little things can cause a lot of anxiety sometimes.
Another one of my triggers was responding, by texting, to a couple of individuals too much.  In my mind, I thought if I texted them back, it wasn't as toxic as seeing them or talking to them on the phone.  For me, it was just as toxic.  Now, I don't respond unless I am in a healthy place mentally, emotionally and it doesn't take away from my family or another important event at the time.  I felt soooooo guilty at first, but realized it was a must.  That alone took out A LOT of my anxiety.
Another anxiety for me is shopping with other women.  Since I'm still in recovery from being a "People Pleaser", I found it extremely difficult to be myself completely without worrying about if my friends (s) was enjoying their self at the mall. Ugh.  I know, it's crazy but it brought on real anxiety for me!
I could go on and on about how commercials or certain movies trigger me, but I think those are more obvious and I wanted to emphasize the importance of how little triggers can cause great damage.  I found out that when I was aware of the little triggers, the larger ones were not as often.
I'll share more on worry, anxiety and panic attacks later this week. 
I Hope that some of these coping skills help some of you with practical things that you can do for yourself to maybe alleviate some of the stress in your life. 
I'll be sharing more coping skills later this week.  Thanks for coming on this journey with me!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fighting off Coyotes

When I was in grade school, I grew up on a farm and we had all kinds of animals.  We had everything from chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep to even a pet monkey!   There was one problem on our farm, though…coyotes.  They were the enemy to the rest of our farm animals. 

One night, some coyotes came out of the woods and down into our farm and attacked one of our mommy sheep that had baby twin lambs.  The next morning, my parents told me what had happened the night before and that we had to be the mommy for the little twin lambs. We would need to feed them and take care of them. So, my dad built a little fenced off pen in the corner of our kitchen for our new additions.  We named the lambs “Baa Baa” and “Mi Mi” because of the sounds each one had made.  Every morning while I waited for the school bus, I fed the baby lambs with a bottle while I waited for the school bus.  I can still remember how their furry wool felt as I cuddled them both.

“Baa Baa” and “Mi Mi” thrived in the safety of our little farm kitchen.  During this time, my brother was quite young and was learning how to talk while we raised these little lambs.  While my brother was learning to talk and walk, he had picked up “Baa Baa” and “Mi Mi’s” sheep sounds! My brother ended up calling our mom “Baa” instead of “mom” because that’s all he heard! As funny as it was, it took quite a while for him to break that habit and stop calling mom “Baa Baa”!  He was certainly a product of his environment.

I have often felt like a product of my environment and I have often felt attacked by different circumstances throughout my life.  The coyotes in my life have been Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  These mental illnesses have come close to devouring me whole and literally taking my life. At times, I created an unhealthy environment for myself by surrounding myself with toxic people and unhealthy survival skills.  I finally cried out to God, in my darkest moment, when I couldn’t take it anymore and I was in complete desperation.  Right away, God intervened when I finally asked Him to help me. 

 Like our baby lambs that we raised in our kitchen I too feel complete shelter in the safe and healthy environment of my home, family and friends. I have had to create healthy boundaries and coping skills that help slay the coyotes in my life that trigger my mental illness. By being transparent and honest with the positive people in my life, I allow them to understand better how I need help slaying those coyotes in my life!

Whatever circumstance you are faced with today, let God fight your battles for you and allow others to help you on your recovery process.  Recovery only comes in to your life when you allow it to come in.  We all need help slaying those coyotes in our life!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Still Struggling

It seems like lately I have been struggling with depression, again.  It's funny when i share that with some people because they think that I'm "cured" or have fully recovered from my Bipolar I Disorder.  Unfortunately, there is no cure, but there is hope.  I know this feeling will pass.  I still struggle and go through cycles of mania and depression. 
Because I'm a "People Pleaser", my anxiety gets really heightened from trying to please everyone from responding with the "right" response on facebook to making just the right dinner so everyone is happy in the family.  Then I obsess over it. Ugh.  Today I've done that.  Someone made a statement to me that I'm sure was not meant to be offensive and because of my oversensitivity due to my Bipolar Disorder, I obsessed over it...felt bad, over analyzed angry...felt stupid for getting angry over something so depressed for the feelings I was feeling and then guilty for taking it out on loved ones...  over one little comment someone made!  And it wasn't even directed at me!  This was when I had to make a decision and CHOOSE healthy Coping Skills instead of reverting to my old unhealthy Survival Skills.  I quickly changed my thoughts by concentrating on positive ones, distracted myself with a funny sitcom ("The Middle" which I LOVE) and then I made it through to the other side.  Whew.
Bipolar depression is often masked with anxiety.  Medication has worked tremendously in my life, but that is only part of it.  There is no magic pill to cure Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Mania or Anxiety.  Medication helps me clear my mind so I can think clearly and then work on my issues and change my thought patterns with healthy thoughts like "Cognitive Behavior" and Talk Therapy.  It takes work for not only myself, but my loved ones who are with me...they need to know the signs and symptoms and to be able to know when it is my illness or when I'm just being moody and rightfully acting out. ha.
Most of all, knowing that I'm not alone and knowing there are others out there like me gives me some hope.  Feeling alone can feel very scary and lonely.  It's so important to reach out and be honest to a few friends and family members you can trust to let them help you through your recovery days.  Believe me, there will be times that they will need you, too!
My thought for the will be okay....I will be are never alone!

Bipolar Disorder Types: Symptoms and Treatment

Bipolar Disorder Types:  Symptoms and Treatment
There’s a startling statistic that proves 50-70% of individuals who live with Bipolar Disorder and do not seek treatment, self medicate through the use of drugs (especially cocaine), alcohol, and sleeping medications.
What exactly is Bipolar Disorder, the symptoms and treatments and the different types? 
Bipolar Disorder (also known as Manic Depression) is a physical brain disorder that comes out in emotional ways. Anything that causes an emotional response can lead to a Bipolar Disorder mood swing.  It is a chemical imbalance in the brain. 
Bipolar Disorder is different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through in life. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are severe.  As a result of the severity, damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide can be an outcome of the illness.  
Bipolar Disorder is not a character flaw, spiritual weakness or an excuse. It is a real disease just like heart disease or diabetes.  It is also a very treatable disease.  However, if an individual does not seek treatment, it can be life threatening.

There are three types of Bipolar Disorder:  Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, and Cyclothymia.

1) Bipolar I Disorder is the most severe type of Bipolar Disorder. It consist of severe “highs” (known as mania) and severe “lows” (major depression) with “normal” moods in between.

Symptoms of “Mania” in Bipolar I Disorder include rapid speech, risky behavior, paranoia, recklessness, irritability, rage, shopping sprees, increased sexual drive, grandiose thoughts, over-confidence, paranoia, very little sleep if any, impulsiveness, flight of thoughts (going from one topic to another cued by words that trigger some other thought), and psychosis.
Psychosis is the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.   Common psychotic symptoms are hallucinations (hearing, seeing, or sensing the presence of things that are not actually there) and delusions (false, strongly held beliefs not influenced by logical or rational reasoning.)  Sometimes severe episodes of mania or depression include symptoms of Psychosis. 
Symptoms of “Depression” in Bipolar Disorder are uncontrollable sadness, irrational thoughts, isolation, severe fatigue, anxiety, loss of interest in activities, guilt, hopelessness, pessimism, worthlessness, decreased energy, severe fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, difficulty making decisions, sleeping too much or too little, rage, worry, confusion, restlessness, anger, psychotic episodes, suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempts.
The best form of treatment for Bipolar I Disorder is medication and talk therapy. Without medication and talk therapy, statistics prove that up to 20% of people with Bipolar I Disorder commit suicide.
Medications that are commonly used in treating Bipolar I Disorder are mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, psychotic medications, anti-seizure and anti-anxiety medications.
Talk Therapy is just as important as medication when it comes to treatment for Bipolar I Disorder.  This can be anything from Counseling, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Guided Imagery, Support Groups and to many more.

2)  Bipolar II Disorder is a more mild form of Bipolar Disorder.

Symptoms include episodes of “hypomania” (feelings of euphoria instead of full-blown mania) that alternate with even longer periods of severe depression.  Psychosis is usually not a symptom of Bipolar II Disorder.
“Hypomania” can be a very good feeling.  With “hypomania”, though, comes a very long period of severe depression afterward.
Depression in Bipolar II Disorder is focused on more in treatment because it is so severe and over shadows the hypomania.  Anti-depressants are commonly used the most for Bipolar II Disorder, but sometimes mood stabilizers also help as well.
Talk therapy is another form of positive treatment for Bipolar II Disorder.

3)  Cyclothymia is the mildest form of Bipolar Disorder.

Individuals diagnosed with this may function well in life and experience mild depression with mild hypomania. However, those who live with Cyclothymia can become severely ill in response to certain substances or medications such as marijuana, alcohol, antidepressants, steroids, and high doses of decongestants.  These substances and medications may increase their depression or trigger full-blown mania.
If treatment is needed, it’s usually an anti-depressant for the mild to moderate depression episodes that may come with Cyclothymia.

Sub-Types of Bipolar Disorder:
Rapid-Cycling is a sub-type of Bipolar Disorder.  People who are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder are sometimes defined as having a “Rapid-Cycling” form of Bipolar I Disorder or Bipolar II Disorder if they have four or more episodes of mania or depression in one year, in any combination. 
Rapid-Cycling in Bipolar Disorder is a temporary phase and women are more prone to it than men.
Ultra-Rapid-Cycling is when there are more frequent episodes (than “Rapid Cycling” Bipolar) of depression or mania, with shorter times of normal mood in between. Individuals can experience mood changes in the same day, or even within an hour.
Mixed Mania is the most debilitating sub-type of Bipolar Disorder. Symptoms of both mania and depression occur at the same time or alternate frequently during the same day.  The person experiencing Mixed Mania Bipolar Disorder becomes excitable and agitated, as in mania, but also irritable, depressed and full of anxiety, instead of the euphoric feeling that is usually associated with mania.
Mixed Mania can be found in either Bipolar I Disorder or Bipolar II Disorder and occurs in about 40-50 percent of Bipolar Cases. 
Symptoms of Mixed Mania are restlessness, hyperactivity, irritability and sometimes paranoia or mania, combined with symptoms of depression and distress.  A positive mood or euphoric high that is usually experienced with classic mania or hypomania is missing in Mixed Mania Bipolar Disorder. 
People who live with this sub-type Bipolar Disorder are often more impulsive and suicidal than those who experience other forms of Bipolar Disorder.  They usually are not capable of being cooperative in a relationship, may have a very low tolerance for stress, and frequently express anger or rage.  These symptoms can occur in individuals with Bipolar I or Bipolar II Disorder.

Medication treatments are helpful in treating Rapid Cycling, Ultra-Rapid Cycling and Mixed Mania Bipolar Disorder.  Mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety and medication for psychosis are the most effective.

*As daunting as Bipolar Disorder seems, it can be treated and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives.  How do I know this?  Because I was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder Rapid-Cycling when I was 29 years old. Today, I live a stable, fulfilling life through medication and talk therapy treatment. 
There is hope and treatment for those who live with Bipolar Disorder and for those who are caregivers.  It’s important to take one day at a time…one moment at a time and to remember that recovery is not a destination, but a life long journey.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012

A Funny Story about Grace & Marriage
(Originally written December 2010)

I was attracted to everything about my husband when I first met him. The way he talked, his perfect white teeth, the laugh lines around his eyes when he smiled, his spiritual walk with God, and the fact that he also played the piano and sang was the icing on the cake because that was my passion, too! 

My husband to be and I agreed on everything. We had the same values, goals and dreams in life. Life was good and even greater now that we had found each other. I knew I was the perfect girlfriend for him, if I don’t say so myself. We started dating right away. I started cooking and baking for this new boyfriend of mine, we would sing and play the piano together, we had the same love and obsession for coffee, we both loved watching Seinfeld re-runs and Portland Trailblazer games together. We were perfect for each other. So, after 3 months of dating, we got engaged and within 6 months had a Christmas Wedding!

Well, they say that the first year of marriage is the hardest, but my husband had no idea what was in store for him.  Our perfectness went to pettiness when I learned that Jonathan strongly disliked cats. I loved cats and they had always been therapy for me. Little did I realize that Jonathan had many allergies and it turned out that cats were on the top of that list. So, our first major fight was over a cat that I wanted to keep. Yep, a cat. I thought my husband could somehow be cured of his allergies and let me have my pet cat. Everything would be just fine I thought. I ended up giving up my cat.

I grew up with brothers and was somewhat of a tomboy and I absolutely loved playing and watching sports. My husband was quickly realizing that I was not domestic at all and had no desire to be. My pretend love for domestic things came to a crashing halt. My new husband soon found out that I’d rather watch a football game than make dinner. I didn’t sew, I didn’t like to bake, I loved blues and classical musical while he loved country music, and I loved to shop and be creative and be very social while he rather stay home and do a crossword puzzle. One day, after I had caught a loaf of bread on fire in the oven, my very calm husband said, “Honey, who are you exactly? Who did I marry?”. The truth was, was that I came into our marriage needing stability, unconditional love, security and I was so afraid that Jonathan wouldn’t love me if he saw the real me. As we saw our differences together, though, we continued to love each other more and embrace them. 

Jonathan and I actually realized that we were total opposites, but balanced each other out in a very good way. It’s funny to think back about those little things because they were a drop in the bucket when compared to a more serious problem that I brought into our marriage. A life altering illness.

That first year of marriage I was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder. Another piece to the puzzle, really. Our marriage only got deeper and stronger through it all, though, with the help of God. God’s grace was poured on me every single day as I sought treatment through some wonderful doctors, therapy, and medications for Bipolar I Disorder. I was loved unconditionally by my husband and he showed me what grace was in the flesh. I never doubted God’s love and grace or that unwavering grace and love that my husband still shows me today.

After 15 beautiful, and not so beautiful, years of marriage due to my illness, my husband is my very best friend and the best husband ever. He is a true example of grace in action.

Whatever relationship you are in, remember grace. It’s so rare to show grace to others in today’s society, especially to our spouse. We can be nice to everyone else around us except our spouse. Grace is one of the most precious gifts you can give your loved one.

When was the last time you showed grace to your husband or wife? When have you practiced grace to a waitress who got your order wrong or the store clerk who was exasperatingly slow or to your child who was getting on your last nerve? Or that driver who has had his blinker on for the last 10 miles?

Everyone needs grace in their life. God was the perfect example of grace when he willing took on our burdens and died for us. As God continually lavishes love on us through the storms and through the joys of life, remember that all you have to do is receive that grace. He is always there with open arms waiting to love you unconditionally, even when you haven’t been loving Him back. When you don’t feel like practicing grace, do what I do…just say to God, “Help!” and He will give you that perfect grace to show others!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Overcoming Struggles & Pursuing My Passions

It is 12:48 in the morning and it is officially 2012. There's something about the quiet of the night that makes me want to create, write, compose music and do some soul searching...even if it isn't the begining of the new year.
Knowing that the holidays are all over brings reflection, depression, joy and restlessness all at once.
I am continuing to track my sleep hours, who I talk to and see during the day, who I text, what movies / tv shows I watch and what foods I eat to help track my moods. I call it my daily "Linnea's Lines of Moods" or as most people know it, a "Mood Chart". ha. It helps me with tracking when I am stressed, down, severely depressed, manic or just plain out of my mind. It also helps me recognize what triggers my stress.
Everyone has hurts, habits and hang-ups and taking it one day at a time is too much for some of us. We still feel overwhelmed. For me, it can be one minute at a time.
My hang-ups consist of worry, guilt, caring what others think of me, co-dependency, etc. I refuse to give up my hard core coffee habit!
As the new year comes in, I refuse to do resolutions because every day is a resolution for me. To get up, get dressed, get out of bed (not in that order necessarily!) is my own personal "success" in my world some days. I may add a thing or two along the way such as tucking in a little lunch note into my kids' lunches for the day or taking a 2 mile walk.
As Captain Haddock says in the movie, "Tin Tin", "Where there's a wall, you always push through." Here's to all the walls we may push through, leap over, dig under or climb over to pursue our dreams and passions in the year 2012!